2017 Email response from D. Feinstein

The hardest part about fighting off a foreclosure and trying to save and stay in your home so you arent homeless, is to make things as public and loud as you possibly can.  I've run into so many problems in trying to do that over the last three years its unreal.  First, the mainstream media only covers the stories that will seem to be of most interest to the mass public but doesn't go against their chosen opinions or values, but in order to create real change and get real solutions and programs and help in place to stop current homeowners facing foreclosure from being forced out, you also have to get big names including congressional members to get behind you and the issue and help push for bills that would force changes.  As every day the numbers of veterans taking their own lives because this system as it stands is FAILING them, is one more notch in the "America really doesn't care" belt and its gross and its wrong.

Before my family was even a month behind, like so many other veteran families, we started asking and begging for help.  Before it was even a serious problem we called our lender and notified them of the drastic change in pay and need help.  But we also write every ceo and executive and news media outlet we could to raise awareness and look for help and got nothing in return.  Which quickly made me realize that what I am told today by realtors trying to swoop up our home and convince us to sell because we have no other options or real estate lawyers who profit from these foreclosures telling me that im stupid for trying to write anyone and everyone to raise awareness and show that hundreds of thousands of veteran families either have lost or are losing their homes to this same damn practice of profit before people, that they are right in saying the current laws in this country and current legal system supports and protects the lenders, banks and investors and doesnt give a rats ass about the homeowners and keeping them in their homes.  That, my friends, directly contributes to the growing homeless crisis this country already has!

So from the very beginning, I reached out to multiple senators, and D. Feinstein was the only one who bothered to respond back.  Here is her response which should not only show you why we need to pull together and stop this gross practice, but to fight harder right now to ensure that our veterans who served this country and did what their country asked them to do, dont get paid back by being forced out on the streets because wealthy investors and bank and mortgage CEOs want to fund the million dollar mansions. 

" Dear Amy,
I have received your correspondence seeking help with your mortgage
situation.  First, please know I strongly believe that the federal
government must do more to help distressed homeowners and encourage banks
to work with homeowners to reduce foreclosures.  I have been especially
frustrated with the actions of many banks that received Federal assistance
during the financial crisis, and now refuse to work with many responsible
homeowners to make mortgage modifications that would help these families
keep their homes. Congressional gridlock has made it difficult to pass
legislation that would directly address this issue.  Despite that
challenge, I am continuing to work with my colleagues to support efforts to
help struggling homeowners.  Please know that I will keep your story and
your thoughts in mind as I do so.  If you have received a notice from your
lender that includes a foreclosure sale date within the next 30 days,
please contact my San Francisco office for assistance."

They know there is a problem, they have known, but how many more families are forced out of their homes because nothing and no one is fighting to protect veterans from the slimy grasp of predatory lenders and banks who know they can do anything, including taking millions in federal funding that is supposed to help veterans, but really do nothing as is the case for most of us.  THe goal should be to do whatever they can to keep these veterans and their families in their homes, which will not add any further burden to an already out of control crisis. The urgency and importance of helping to raise awareness and helping to fight an ongoing war against our veterans and their families, has never been more crucial and necessary as it is now.  One voice and person can only do so much, I need your help.  Theres so much to do, but we can do it if we come together and demand action and change.


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