Does the VA take care of our veterans, yes or no...Except its not that simple!

In a perfect world, humans are full of love, passion and humanity and wars are nightmare tales we tell our children to get them to behave.  Here in the real world, its very different, as one white administration after the next, and one political agenda war after another, not only takes and destroys lives here and overseas, but also creates a  growing population of veterans as a result of these wars that this country simply cannot provide for.  Even, when we manage to steal money from the people already struggling, and the programs these same people rely on, we see again this country finding money for  defense and pointless walls while our veterans and poor continue to lose their homes and die on our streets.

According to research online, the VA's specialized homelessness programs are said to provide health care to over 150k homeless veterans, in addition to various other services to more than 112,000 veterans.  Approximately 40,000 homeless veterans receive compensation or pension benefits each month.  As far back as 1987, the VA's programs for homeless veterans have been said to have  emphasized collaboration with community service providers to further expand more services to veterans in crisis.  However, with the number of veterans suicides that occur each day today, clearly there's a flaw or failure somewhere in that system. 

So what services do veterans really need? As with all people in any country, veterans need to secure access to safe and affordable housing, nutritional meals, basic physical care, substance abuse care and after care.  In addition, they need free mental health care and treatments, as well as personal development counseling and empowerment.  Job training, skilled labor training and placement assistance are also vital to fixing and protecting our nations homeless vets.  The goal for veterans should be simple, to bring them home from wars, and do everything we can to keep them in their homes, get them the proper mental and medical healthcare they need, and ensure they have the skills and training as well as opportunities to get back into the american workforce so they can live healthy and happy lives.  Considering they chose to serve this country, endure all they have, and did what was asked of them when it was asked, you would think that this would be the least we could do. 

But it's not entirely the VA's fault, as most of the people in this country clearly dislike the growing homeless problem in their cities, we know this because we see and hear it all the time on our social media and news, where businesses and well off homeowners cry foul when they have to see or deal with anything related to those darn homeless people.  People, like you and me, are to blame as well.  I say this because we have the power to create real change and stop the ongoing war against the homeless and poor, by fighting for them!  So what can you do to help? The answer is, so much! GO out into the community where you live and see what is needed to help and better the lives of the veteran population around you.  Note what is missing or needs attention or additional funding, and reach out to your local and state representatives to see what they are doing and how you can help them help our vets.  Join and organization that is dedicated to helping our veterans, and get other people involved,  Sometimes just by posting on social media, sharing stories and photos, you get more people aware of the crisis that we have ongoing and inspire them to help.  But you can also volunteer at local shelters and homeless coalitions, and if your area doesnt have one, you know your focus should be on helping to push your city to get one started! Donate to veteran charities, buy from veteran owned businesses, but most importantly, reach out often to your elected officials because they are elected to represent all of the people in their states and districts and not just a select few. 

Did you know that roughly 70% of our veterans are dealing with substance abuse problems? Approximately 68% of veterans live in cities, while 32% live in rural areas.  And roughly 51% of our veterans today have disabilities.  Mind you, any stats and estimates you find or hear are almost always going to change from one year to the next, and its difficult to make a true count when there are so many factors that contribute to improper counts and figures.  One of these reasons, is that more often than not, their substance abuse problems or fear of abuse or targeting keeps so many veterans afraid to come forward and use the benefits they are entitled to.  Several we have spoken with, just had no idea that they even still could get any benefits being that they live on the streets.  Its heart breaking, and terrifying especially since my family is so very close to being part of that population.

Change, on an immediate and grand level, needs to happen now.  Every innocent life lost or forced to suffer cold and alone, isn't just a disgrace, but downright criminal.  Just because you stop putting on that uniform, shouldn't mean that the country no longer deems you as valuable, and we owe them and their families so much more than what they have endured this far along.  Right now, we need your help raising awareness to the ongoing battle for so many veteran families, who through either job loss, unexpected accident, medical or mental health emergency, are fighting to stop "for profit" lenders and mortgage providers that are granted the right to carry VA and FHA veteran home loans, from taking their homes.  The laws and governments are stacked to protect the lenders while there are either too few or poorly funded programs to help veteran families keep their homes or afford to pay for legal representation to fight these foreclosures.  By continuing as we are, lenders, banks, and mortgage investors are allowed to further punish veteran homeowners already struggling, and force them out on the street which adds to the growing homeless crisis that we already cant seem to fix or afford.  Prevention is simple stop allowing banks and lenders to foreclose on veterans homes, when its clear that hardships the families never asked for, were thrown in their paths and need their mortgage providers to work with them and not against them.  It is financially more beneficial to keep families in their homes than it is to force them our and ruin their credit for years to come, adding even more hardships and punishment to their already difficult lives.

I never once thought begging a lender to help you before you were even behind, letting them know in advance that you had a drastic change in income and need to keep your home, that i would find my family three years into a one sided battle just to not lose our home and be homeless in winter.  But for us, that fight is very real and we are absolutely terrified that fighting back will be for nothing and we'll still be out on the streets.  I have yet to hear back from a single news media outlet, nor get a response from anyone i've emailed or messaged.  Its not popular news, so lets just not talk about it. This is a problem for the entire country, not just each individual family.   Please help us here at KOVH (Keep Our Veterans Housed) raise awareness and push our elected officials into doing something.  We need your help raising awareness and fighting back, in every way we can.  If each of us does our part by doing something, change will come, and lives will be made so much safer and better.


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