Veterans, veteran families and patriots lend me your ear!!

The simple fact is, that once a veteran homeowner falls behind on their mortgage, and has an underwater mortgage, there are no existing programs that are in place to help them save their homes. none..The few options that do exist revolve around helping the VA and lenders who hold these mortgages and nothing to do with keeping these families in their homes. It's not just grossly ridiculous, its not how this country should allow its veterans to be treated. Veterans homeowners and their families have already put in the time and taken care of this country when called upon, when they need this country to help them, this country should be ready and willing to help return the favor.

Today, more true now than ever, homeowners from all walks of life and backgrounds are struggling to pay their rent and mortgages. While the federal government and most state governments work hard to pass and push Covid19 assistance programs and rules, these programs and moratoriums do not impact renters and homeowners who were already behind and struggling with underwater mortgages before the covid19 pandemic. My family knows this firsthand, as we have been fighting to get our lender to actually help us with the back (missed) payments that we have had from when my husband first was unjustly let go from the government job that let us buy this house and our mortgage was based on in the first place. Over the last three years, i have heard the stories and gotten email after email of families who either already have lost their homes or are in the process of losing their homes for the same reason. We have no protection from lenders and banks out to protect their investments and have no care about the families in the homes or their well being.

Raising awareness to this growing crisis has proven harder than I had thought, especially when my social media accounts have news feeds full of post after post on how much this country loves its veterans. In order to get the changes and funding necessary to provide veterans families in crisis with the real help they need, we need to get people educated on the facts of this crisis, motivated to help us raise awareness, and inspired to get others to do the same. This isnt a political issue, it's a humanitarian issue and time is running out for families like mine.

In addition to needing across the country awareness campaigns, we also need writers and artists who on a volunteer basis, can help create graphics and blog/social media posts that can be used and shared to help our movement.Every post and tweet, every fundraiser item bought and sold, every email sent out and phone call made helps!! Time is not on our side, veteran families are in serious crisis and need heroes. The call for help has gone out, we now need people to answer it!


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