They are 100% aware of the ongoing problem and failure and still do nothing

 Good morning!

Well i wish it was a better morning for so many than it has been, but every day that we wake up and start a new day is yet another day to fight back and raise awareness and that (I think) is what keeps me going.  I wish i had a fabulous update or good news, but alas even after these last 4 years of fighting and begging and pleading, nothing has really changed.  Covid is still both a blessing and a killer and depending on which side of the political spectrum you fall into, you're either still trying to accept that this country voted out a racist, xenophobic white nationalist president or you're broken at having lost the election.  With all of the losses and struggling and suffering and losses that are now impacting millions upon millions of Americans all across our nation, I honestly care less about any of that when there are children and pets and futures at stake!

It is absolutely unfathomable how anyone could ever utter the word "great" when trying to describe this country, when we hold the largest number of covid cases in the world, or how many have lost their homes to evictions and foreclosures during a deadly pandemic that has gripped us in relentless waves of sickness and death. Those in charge f trying to predict the financial future of this country are trying to decide if we're being plunged into a devastating recession or a historical depression and all I can think about is the responses and findings to the research i have/am doing of the losses and hardships the majority of once middle class Americans are now finding themselves in.  Bankruptcies, layoffs, creative downsizing, call it what they want, the "new" jobs/employment isnt because of new positions created to increase employment but half are those taking on second and third jobs OR taking the position of someone who lost their battle with health problems that covid19 further worsened.  I still dont see anything to celebrate.

While millions and millions are facing evictions and foreclosures in the midst of a deadly pandemic, as lenders and investment firms play the profits and losses games, families...children..elderly..disabled..and yes veterans and their families are paying the price for governmental failure and power plays where getting positions filled quickly in important positions and bailing out wealthy corporations (yet again) and big business come before the health, safety and well being of the very people who serve as the movers and makers that keep this country running and breathing.  Somewhere along the way, elected officials  have forgotten they actually work for us and are supposed to be putting our needs and well being before all else and instead are busy (as usual) fattening their wallets and making the rich happy.  Meanwhile we're adding to our already existing homelessness problems, allowing children to go to bed hungry, and even more horrifying, we have a growing group of veterans and veteran families who have served this country (with honor and courage) and in a time when they need this country to give back, to care about them, to rise and protect and help them, nothing.  

Four years of calls, emails, posting, tweeting, sharing and trying to raise awareness all the while talking to others like my family who cannot understand why the responses they get from local, state and federal officials and agencies eerily mimic what i have scanned and shared and said.  They are aware of the problem, that problem being that while the VA helps get veterans into housing at a great rate (you hope) they do literally next to nothing to help you keep it when you are faced with a deadly pandemic and through no fault of your own, find yourself just trying to get through each day with food and utilities paid so you dont freeze in the winters and die of heat exhaustion in the summer. That your children arent going to bed crying and hungry because they cant understand why things are the way they are, or why no one is trying to help them.  You shouldn't ever have to choose between going to the doctors when you're sick because you know you will not be able to pay for the co pay, prescriptions or procedures, and eating or having heat or running water. Especially during a pandemic that is killing us off without prejudice.

People have mad eit clear that I am annoying in continually talking about these things, and the need for intervention and help, the growing number of Gofundme's we are seeing in our social media newsfeeds, and the number of suicides we are starting to see as people feel there just is nothing else to do.  Housing, food, medical and dental, living wages, etc these are BASIC NECESSITIES and yet looking around, right now you can see that these are gifts only for those who can afford it right now.  Maybe the people who dont care, have yet to be impacted by the ongoing bio war that this country has been under attack by for the last nine months or so, maybe they have the luxury of having credit and large savings account that for a while longer, they will be ok.  But what about the rest of us?  I saw yesterday an article highlighting a well known wealthy individual who sold off stocks in one sector just recently and has now plunged his wealth into pharmaceutical stocks as the rush to get a miracle vaccine that will be next to pointless as the virus continues to evolve and change.  Wearing a mask is somehow a violation of individual rights (ive triple checked and there is no such right infringement listed in the bill of rights much less constitution), and somehow wearing a mask to slow the spread is more of a problem than the number of veterans and veteran families going hungry and homeless? Somehow children who didnt ask to be in the midst of this darkness and chaos, are going to bed hungry or living in cars and matter less?

Our ethics, morals, compassion and humanity are on the line and we need them to shine through right now more than ever.  Differences in political opinions, religions, lifestyles, etc need to be set aside to come together and show the rest of this world that this country (when it most matters!) can come together and help each other even when the elected officials who should be, arent.  Its up to us to us! There is no time to waste, not with lives and livelihoods on the line.  Do your part, shop local and small business, volunteer your skills and services when you can to help those who need it, donate when you can as often as you can, and dont stop sharing and talking about the importance to stay safe, housed, healthy, fed and warm during a deadly pandemic.  This is the time, like never before, that we must unite and fight, together. 


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