Grand Failure witht he wrong people suffering

 My mind has been so far from a good place, its such, I have failed to update and post the information that we continue to learn and find which will hurt those just start to endure what my family has.  I'm sorry, but I'm more sorry to my family, for not being strong enough to push past my fears and worries and do the big things like talk to the news and do live feeds because im too afraid of what people will say or criticize.  

That being said, we have maybe 21 days to find a miracle or this journey to not lose our first home, the only thing we have to our name, is over.  The lender and their investor have never had any intention of helping us...clearly they bought an underwater mortgage to flip it, its been a one sided, profit before people battle (yes everyone told me i was stupid for trying to fight) from the very beginning,  But I'm a mom, and no matter how old my son is, i will always be his mom, and as such will always try to protect him and provide for him for as long as im alive.  This was our first real home, so yeah, its worth fighting for.

Here's the options we have, in no particular order, Pray for a miracle ( knowing that only a lucky few find angels to swoop in and save the day), find someone, somewhere who will come take over the loan and modify it so we can keep housed and get our lives back from this hell we have been imprisoned in, raise/sell enough additional money in the next 20 days to satisfy  what's needed that a loan mod would be possible, or to force a sale of the house via a bankruptcy where we still have to lose the house but atleast its not in the lenders/investors hands.  You've heard people say this a million times, but its not fair.  Life is already stacked against most of us, and the heroes dont wear capes but are those who see the failures and problems and shortcomings in this country and stand up and say something.

I feel hopeless, 99% of me wants to give up.  But, having been stuck for so long in this hell, and constantly being advised of things that only made things worse and cost us money we dont have, I cant.  It's not about me anymore, no now its about taking our pain and suffering and using it to help others.  There are NO programs or resources or any kind of aid available to veteran families with underwater mortgages.  None.  We are being left at the mercy of whatever advice or info we can google or afford to hear, and legal representation that is pro veterans and affordable is hard to find.  But knowing the sleepless night and stress, the physical and emotional trauma and damage that losing your home, that being reminded you live in a country where profit and investors matter more than families and people, I have to do something.  

If you are a veteran or veteran family and have already lost your home, are facing losing your home, or know of fellow vets and veteran families who have, please contact me so we can add them to the growing list, before its too late for them as well.  Because honestly,  no family who has served this country, should ever have to go through this.....ever


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