Greetings and Healthy and safe wishes for the shiny new year!

 With so many hardships and battles that have popped up, I have had to put family before cause even though we are literally living the nightmares that we are actively working to raise awareness to.  SO many veteran families have shared their stories about their own home less battles, and while it further breaks my heart, that so many of Americans true patriots couldn't find support or help when they needed it most, it is further proof that we are in fact forgotten once the uniform comes off.  

Covid has taken an existing crisis and further worsened it for families like mine.  We are and have been exempt from the much needed programs and financial aid that would help to ease some of our struggles and worries, and as such has all but guaranteed more families will be forced to the streets and added to the growing homeless crisis that cities across the country already cannot afford to solve.  Sent off to fight and carry out their duties in other countries, which they do with the same honor, courage and bravery that they still hold today having hung up their uniforms, they return home only to face new threats.  Only this time, the wars the conflict they face is trying to fight wealthy banks and investors to work with them so they dont lose the house that has been made into a home for his or her family.  

We need programs and resources to help veteran homeowners who were struggling to fight for their homes before covid just as much as we need the help now as we face the ongoing covid threat and research will show that homes in foreclosure or default status prior to covid are simply not existent.  No calls to state or federal representatives have offered anything other political agenda driven excuses like "bi partisan stall out" as if housing and keeping the very men and women who answered the call to defend and protect this country and her rights and freedoms is a political issue.  Its not (incase you were wondering) Housing is a basic human right and when a veteran (or any homeowner for that matter) abruptly loses their job, is diagnosed with a life changing illness or disease, cannot get immediate or quality medical, mental health or addiction assistance when they need it, everything they have and love is put at risk. Including bills piling up and their homes put at risk.  

Veterans are soldiers who serve long after they hang up their uniforms.  I have yet to know personally or meet a single veteran or veteran family that wouldn't do whatever she or he had to  to still defend and protect this country and her people from foreign and domestic terrorists, we just didn't know that the domestic terrorism that we would be facing would be that of profit driven investors and lenders who claim to love and support Americas soldiers, while doing little to nothing to actually help them stay housed when it comes to it.  We dont need excuses, political promises, or pity, what we need are resources, programs and the US government to tighten their oversight on VA home loan lenders and investors and cease all foreclosures until programs and real help can be put in place.  Unti we get those programs and help, Keep Our Veterans Housed will be a full time supporter and resource gatherer for these true patriots and their families, because the wealthiest country in the world with the largest military budget, owes its veterans so much more than words of thanks...Soldiers answered the call to serve, now its our turn to answer their call and help keep our veterans housed.


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