Veterans deserve better!
For anyone who has been following us for the last 7 years (yes i said seven) we have been fighting not just one but two lenders now who have zero issues reminding us that not only do they not actual;ly care about the veteran families that they hold the futures of, but they also dont care about practicing compassion, decency and respect either..Besides never having one point of contact through the entire 7 years, we also were forced into being farther behind when CENLAR who was the previous servicer, sold our mortgage to the current lender while we were in loan modfication review..Yes i know its not illegal but i havent found a lawyer yet or government official who doesnt find that shady and horrible to do knowing that it forces everything to start over, where they can and did take months to get all the papers together and transferred over, months to tack on fees and additional get the point...7 years of that..Some of you might be saying why bother when you cant win...heres the in your face veteran who fought and served this country should ever have to fight wars overseas and come home to fight a full on ptsd inducing war here at home just to keep their home..its total bs, they deserve better and we deserve better..
To say that i was humiliated and mortified to have a plumbing company come over to fix our swamp cooler so we can not die in the heat, and see in my face blue taped notice to sell at auction papers was just horrible. Seven years we have been begging and pleading for help from everywhere we can..from every outlet we can..There should be program and help for veterans and their families to get caught up and save their homes but there just arent..and then you add in the pandemic and families by the hundreds soon to be thousands (if not already) are and will find themselves facing what we are..
Look paying your bills and living within your means has and always was the goal for us..We left active duty to leave behind the deployments and craziness to live out the rest of our years just working on our family and dreams. We busted our butts to fix our credit just to be able to get into a VA home loan never mind the luck of this house falling into our laps from day one..We did everything right, we didnt buy anything new, we just wanted peaceful, quiet living..We couldnt have known that four months after leaving the safety of active duty he would lose the job that allowed us to buy the house in the first place..We couldnt have known that when we thought his years in service would lend us support and help to help us figure out how to get through the months of finding a new job and not losing our home, would literally mean nothing..But it happened.
The mental and physical health trauma my family has suffered, while being outright ignored by all media outlets, combined with pass the blame responses from local, state, and federal officials is just insane..There is no help for veterans who through no fault of their own trusted their lenders to offer them options other than foreclosure,. The cold hard fact is that homeowners even in states that claim to be pro homeowners rights, matter less than the lenders and investors its all about the money and if we dont fight for accountability and change, it will never change.
Every time i think about the number of veterans who are homeless on the streets they helped fight to protect from foreign and domestic terrorists, im ill..Its absolutely insane that we do not protect and honor these men and women until their last breaths.. Instead we let them die in VA hospital hallways, take their lives because they didnt get the help they needed in a timely fashion, were failed by the country to ensure that they have access to the food, housing, jobs and programs they need to always be o...
I'm an windbag i know but this is so important to it is to so many families across the country that ive had the pleasure of speaking with..They, like we do, feel let down, insignificant, and forgotten and that is no country to be proud of..Join us and help us fight for change, fight to keep our veteran families housed, fight to hold lenders and investors accountable....With a VA loan veterans who worked hard to serve this country, lose a percentage of their future home buying rights because of a oreclosure, which if they did everything asked of them, if they did everything right and still couldnt get the lender or investors or help from any where, is a slap to the face... We can do better, we have to..its time to rise up and stand behind our men and women heroes..their families deserve this country to back them and fight for them just as they did us..Freedom isnt free..but compassion and humanity are
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