Officially Official!

The entire goal or purpose if you will, of Keep Our Vets Housed, has always been and always will be to fight to raise awareness, support and updates to the housing crisis that thanks to COVID 19 and the pandemic, has now left hundreds into thousands of veterans and veteran families in distress and at risk of being homeless.  While some are stuck in high school games, the hardships, extreme distress and additional stresses that come with falling behind in monthly bills, mortgage payments, and job losses are a daily threat to these men and women (and their families) which if you didnt care before, you should now...for the simple fact that every new homeless individual or family is another burden to the city and state, as well as federal programs and resources which does directly impact you and your financial wellness.  It is with pride and excitement, that i now get to officially say KOVH is an official and fully recognized llc which is just step one of my main goal to be a coast to coast entity, with presence in every state in this country.  Having been forced into the position my family has been in since November 2014, and undergone all we have, COVID 19 has launched so many other families into our same shoes, which has created an even bigger need for support and real information.  

Now more than ever, we need to work together to protect and support each other, while getting the options and support to those who have felt for far too long that this country doesnt care about them any more.  The most common thing veterans and veteran spouses come to me and say, is that they no longer feel like they have any vale in the very country they would still die for if asked.  That unwavering and undying love for their country should always matter to every citizen who has the privilege's of calling this country home.  There is so much work ahead to get done, so much tough and uncomfortable conversations we need to be having.  I know I cant do everything on my own, I know I cant help everyone nor save everyone, but I can try..I can be here and push forward and creatively push for the changes we need to have.  I have to have faith.


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