Victimizing veterans and veteran families -sunday thoughts

 You dont have to be military, a veteran nor a dependent to understand that once you are behind in bills and things, it is so damn hard to get caught back up.  All across social media, people have shown that they are changing in how they spend and what they are spending on which has made the drama and stress of trying to sell and make money for your own famil that much harder.  I live with and see both sides of this coin, and know what its like to have really bad days that you question everything and doubt yourself and your worth.  That feeling right there is what connects veteran spouses to the 44 a day statistic and serves as a reminder that we not only matter but deserve to receive help, support and care just as we did while our spouses were serving.

If we are going to throw the budget our there as reasons why we arent in the "you matter" category, i"ll need to remind everyone that we spend billions in being the big brother and democratic protector of other countries.  How much money we invest in the war machine and humanitarian missions while year after year failing to keep our veterans, those very individuals this country uses and tosses aside when done, housed, fed, and in proper care.  We increase the budget year after year, and still fall heavily short on taking care of our peoples basic needs...human rights, the very freedoms and rights that so many have and are giving their lives for.  

Starting a business to keep your family housed and fed, has become so difficult and expensive, that it feels right now like we are just bound to remain in a ocean of debt and poverty. And that is with Dave, a disabled veteran with 12 years of service, in a full time position in a job he loves.  How did we get so off the beaten path that working full time costs you more than living homeless on the street? Not that being homeless doesn't cost tax payer and cities and state a ton but you get my point.  But when food, furl and housing become so unaffordable that working one full time job isn't enough, maybe we need to stop depending the government and system and start really looking at the grim reality most of us now live, regardless of who is in the white house.

We love playing the bipartisan game, and love even more to poitn figners and deflect, but the suffering, lives being lost, and hardships that are being piled on and tormenting veterans and veteran families is just too bad now to continue ignoring.  We have veterans who are disabled and have to go trhough so much red tape and hurdles just to even apply for the benefits that they are owed, that they will most likely die before ever getting anywhere, as spouses and the children continue to go without and try to make do, sacrifice and find a purpose just to get through one more day.  We arent talking about  sports cars, mansions, fancy dinners, etc..but just the privilege of your job and paycheck being able to feed your families, safe and affordable housing, and healthy.

The government doesnt get held accountable,  because there are still too many who are getting by and making ends meet, who have lines of cedit and family to bail them out, who arent suffering and going without.  I think until they too are in our shoes, that wont change.  How many families will be torn apart, how many homes lost, how many lives lost by the time that happens.  For too long we have gotten away with ignoring or purposely under-reporting stats and facts to fit whatever agenda is in play at the time..because its not pretty or comfy..but neither is trying to make ends meet, or get by when it feels like the whole country is working against you.  

If we want to take end on the #44aday we need to address the underllying problems and issues that lead up to that decision..its not just about mental health, its about failing the very people who make this country what it is..who without, would have nothing to live for and no one to protect it..Im not sure if that makes any sense, but its my muddy thoughts at the moment.  I'm tired...tired as a vet wife, tired as a mom, tired as a good tired


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