Friday thoughts

 I woke up yesterday to a tidal wave of tags in gofundmes that were all veteran foreclosure related.  Opening my email several anonymous and veteran families followers and supporters had forwarded me links to even more gofundme links that fit the same.  All are veterans or veteran families, and since just before the holidays, all have been desperately trying to save themselves from losing their homes.  I know that we will all never completely agree on everything all the time, but for the most part we seem to agree on the core foundation. That ALL veterans and veteran families who have served this country with such bravery and honor, deserve to be fought for when they are knocked down to their knees.

I did a live last night, that for the most part was the best and most serious and informative live I have hosted to date.  I accept that this issue and i guess me just being who I am, will always attract the individuals who are anti veteran , anti humanity and compassion cult whom thrive off of spreading around the #beggartok bs and the #handouts term like it was candy.  There is no minutes spent by these people, thinking for even a second the damage they do to individuals already barely hanging on, barely getting by.  Instead, an entire community of people and their families are publicly shames, verbally abused, and sometimes even doxed all because some people weren't raised with the decency and the knowledge that "Hands Up" are never Handouts.  I cant tell you how many of the veterans or veteran family members have been so desperate for someone to just listen, to help them find a resource or information they havent tried or know about yet, to try and save themselves.  Because, at the end of the day, anyone who knows anything about stubborn and proud veterans (or their families) seriously struggle to ask for help of any kind, and much rather prefer to do things on their own.

We got into an entire conversation on that truth, connecting it to wartime/military experiences and training, and the feeling that being on the streets is far safer than risking your life ending in a shelter.  The shelter topic is a whole different topic I really need to get into, but  haven't had the time to just yet.  In any case, at some point, decent American people understand that the problem isn't the needing a little support (regardless of its someone to just listen, finding different resources they haven't tried yet, or a little financial help getting some breathing room to get caught up before they fall too far behind), but that too many are still hellbent on shaming and humiliating those who have life knock them down.  I think its pretty safe to say that we all are well aware of those who have mastered the art of scamming and conning others into supporting their lives in one way or another, and those who pretend to be veterans to try and get some discounts or help along those same lines, but again to punish a rapidly growing group of Americans for the ignorant and disgraceful actions of a small few is just mind blowing.

I have no answers as to how we combat that outside of calling them out, exposing those anti-American  individuals who forget where their rights and freedoms came from in the first place.  The amount of misinformation, ongoing physical and mental assault on our homeless population, including our veteran population, is overwhelming.  It is no wonder how easily predatory brokers, lenders, and scam artists have such an easy time finding and preying on desperate veterans and veteran families who are trying so hard to keep their heads above the water. Desperate people, when they are really down and out with families to take care of, are much easier to convince to do or try anything to save themselves.  Even if it means falling even farther into debt.  

KOVH is committed to our mission to slow the number of veterans and veteran families who lose their homes to foreclosure.  The reality of this PTSD inducing trauma, is not only additional mental healthy strain, but also adding to their financial distress, worsening existing health conditions and disabilities, as well as tearing families apart and adding to the growing number of veterans, spouses and children who feel they have no other answer but to take their lives.  AT one point in time, someone once told us jst count your losses and walk away, you'll eventuall bounce back, but they fail to understand that if you arent so fortunate enough to have the connections and alternative help systems in place, that is something simply not true.   Combating misinformation while helping to give these families the breathing room they need through helping with food, groceries, catching up on past due utilities, car payments our main objective as we face head on the burden of raising awareness and battle flags to begin fighting local, state, and federal government for accountability, oversight of VA loans outside of the broken system, and get a KOVH chapter in every state to begin forcing much needed change.  Your continued likes, follows, subscriptions, purchases and shares help us to not only help these families but to continue that mission.  Thank you so much for all the support and love you all have shown us so far.


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