Sunday shared thoughts

 Lot's of exciting, scary, nd risk taking things coming into play for Keep Our Vets Housed.  As anyone who has been following my movement from the beginning would know, the entire purpose of this movement is to raise awareness, spark outrage and the desire to help change, and do what needs to be done to create that change.  One of the biggest things that has held this platform back, however, is fear.  Not so much afraid till create the change and save families and ultimately lives, but that as my family has seen over the last 7 years, that no one will genuinely care.  That people will hear and see and understand what needs to change and all the "on purpose" problems and obstacles that are put in place designed to cause desperation and homelessness, poverty and failure. And still do nothing.  They'll either be completely too far brainwashed that nothing we do will change a thing, ot that the society spun bs that homeless veterans choose to be out on the streets. Or worse that they contributed to the losses and hardships they now live with...

This movement must become a massive but united one in order to slow the stats and save families from being torn apart, and additional lives lost.  I'll say it over and over, this has never been about my family but the problems, deep systematic failures of a country that helped to create the veterans they half ass take care of when they are no longer of use to the government, and the families and lives that are forever changed. Forever struggling to adjust, survive and make do in the cities and states they come back home too.  When an ungrateful nation ignores the problems that Americas heroes struggle with, is it really that difficult to see why so many feel abandoned, forgotten, valueless. That they feel they are so much of a burden to this country that ending their lives is the only option?

Did you know that our Vietnam veteran community, still isnt getting the recognition, respect, and support and access to programs and aid they are owed? Did you know that the veteran community makes up the small percentage of all groups and yet, while funding billions into trillions into space and war machine programs and explorations, sending millions into billions into other countries we still cannot afford to help keep our vets in programs, in their homes, with high standard medical and mental health care, addiction recovery programs, etc? Tell me you aren't in the greatest country world without telling me youre not in the greatest country in the world.  We preach about freedoms and rights, about the American flag and all she represents while ignoring the wording on the statue of liberty, the actual wording of the US constitution and bill of rights, and the very people who if not for them taking that never expiring oath, we wouldn't have those same rights and freedoms in the first place.  

Maybe i am taking on a war that I cannot win alone, but imagine how difficult it would be for the media and majority to ignore if every single pissed off veteran and veteran family said enough is enough, and stood behind me???  Until that happens, even on my toughest and challenging mental health wise days, I owe it to these Men and women and their families to be keep sharing their stories and faces, and keep fighting.

#veterancommunity #veterans #vettok #socialmedia #mainstreammedia #share #vetwifelife #veteranfamilies #veteranfamiliesmatter


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