Todays feelings - real talk

 Since August of 2014, my entire mission and purpose has been the same.  To tell my family's story, share updates and what we are being subjected to, how we're being treated, what we feel and try just to save our family and our home while also trying to save others from going through the same..  Over the years there have been so many tears, so many ups and downs, so much overwhelming and frustrating misguided information and "help" One thing i have absolutely learned to be true, is that veterans and their families are prime targets for scammers, con artists and predatory entities. That includes organizations, non profits, lenders and investors.  Some meant well,   but our situation and needs far outweighed what they could handle or figure out how help with.  

Several i found myself interacting with were not only rude and unprofessional, but downright insulting and condescending as well.  Being in this situation is one of the most horrific, high stress, emotionally and physically exhausting things that anyone in my family has undergone, and i think it is our first hand knowledge and experience with this fight that drives us to hold on and document and share everything.  We knew that the majority wouldnt care, we knew that there would be no celebrity intervention swooping in to pay our house off or save us, we knew honestly that nothing would change for us BUT this hasn't ever been about us..this has always been about fighting for justice, awareness to this ongoing and growing housing problem that exists.  The failing of a country on so many levels to protect and provide its people while spending million into billions on aid for other countries..Its just so fristrating to be trying to fight to not be homeless and just pay our bills, while this country is so wealthy that it can afford to pay for help to others not in this country.. 


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