The push to raise the $ to get our 501c3 status is on!!! Its time to step up for Veterans and Veteran Families

 When i first began this movement, amidst the nightmare housing war that my family has been immersed in now for going on 8+ years, I had made it clear to everyone i contacted, talked to and tried to get help from from, that becoming a 501c3 was the mission.  And now, more than ever, the desperation and need for help nd soldiers to join our fight, has grown courtesy of the covid19 pandemic and the serious lack of oversight and accountability that banks and lenders...investment groups. Have been able to enjoy regardless of how many veterans and veteran families have been torn many lives have ended because feeling like all you have given and done for the same country now turning its back on you when you are on your knees and facing an well armed enemy, this time right here at home.

Some over the years have said, how can you help anyone if you cant help your own family..the answer to that is as clear as it was the first days i began trying to raise awareness and draw attention to serious giant holes in this system.  Maybe the people who jump to the excuses as to why they don't want to help or care, aren't  or haven't ever been the victim of an injustice, discrimination, Maybe they haven't been forced out of a position that was the foundation for not just your home and daily living with basic necessities, but your children's future as well.  You see, this isn't and has never been about a house with walls and windows, roof and furniture.  This is and always has been about this countries ongoing neglect and blind eye to the very men and women...their families. That at one time or another, took an oath to protect and serve, that even with the uniform being hung up and put away, simply doesn't end because you received your DD214.

This is about the duty of this country and all of those who are so lucky to call it home, with all of its opportunities for growth and success, all of its freedoms and rights, to stand with not just flags flying in the wind but hands out when these brave men and women find themselves in need of this country to have their backs just as they did when that call to duty came in.  Keep Our Vets Housed is forever committed to raising awareness, support, information, direct action and resources for these true American patriots and their families.  Their voices and futures are just as important as the next in this country, and yet while they make up the smallest percent of the population, we are unable to afford to keep them in their homes when life turns upside for them, in their jobs, with the upmost of excellent medical and mental health care all of which contribute to them being positive and beneficial members of their communities and this country.  If we can afford to send billions in aid to foreign countries, how are we not able to afford to create and oversee veteran run committees and programs specifically designs to slow or stop the number of working veteran families who fall on hard times and need this country to have their backs?

Keeping our veterans healthy (physically and mentally), employed, supported, access to the basic necessities and in their homes with their families should be the ongoing and pillar focus of this country.  WE are talking about the men and women who now serve, have served, and countless have given their lives defending and protecting this country and her people from both foreign and domestic terrorists.  But what does domestic threats include? Those who wish to cause our families or properties harm? Why, if so, does that not include corporate and wealth domestic and foreign entities who hold their  very lives, the futures and well being of their families and their children's future children's' future in their hands> We sit and watch billions, into trillions be spent on programs for space, for government projects and political campaigns and agendas...while the homeless crisis, including our beloved patriot   veterans and their families. The poverty and number of active duty having to go on state aid to just get by, continue to struggle and go without.

Government agencies, government officials.  Both political parties, year after year, term after term, making bs promises and playing the back n forth finger pointing game all while collecting gifts, donations, and paychecks and living good lives while the very men and women who put it all on the line who are currently STILL PUTTING IT ALL ON THE LINE, are struggling and in distress.  Is that what this country stands for? Is that what our soldiers and their patriotic veteran families mean to this country? I say NO! And now that thousands of other veterans, other veteran families, are finding themselves in the very shoes my family has been in, and trying for so long..I can honestly say the numbers behind this movement have grown significantly as more and more have fallen from living paycheck to paycheck to now no longer getting by.  Forever true to the red, white and blue families, needing hand ups not judgement, turned up noses, disgraceful excuses offered by local and state representatives.  We need to normalize the understanding that hands up are NEVER hand outs, and get the programs, resources, and information and support these veterans and their families need to get their lives back on track and not added to the growing housing and homeless crisis.  

Let me be clear, this is not something i take lightly, any more than i know that without backing and help, i cannot do this alone.  We have already helped a small handful of families in various but could do so much more with the support and financial backing of grants and donations that we can get as an official 501c3.  Sadly, today as has been the way for a while, entities and individuals wont offer help of any kind unless you are sporting that tax exempt status and they can get something in return outside of the forever gratitude from these men, women and their children.  The IRS fee is 275.00, the California package fees and various settup is greatly reduced for LLCs and nonprofits starting up by June 1st.  That cost will be just $5.00 with a free year of a local Registered Agent that is always necessary.  On top of that we need to move our domain from here at blogger to Google, which is additional $ but will allow us to integrate into a full fledged website, the system to help us vet our veterans and veteran families applying for assistance. Committed to running as much on our two feet as we can, we also need to purchase ONE t shirt press and ONE new printer to be able to fully  create, print and sell our own t-shirts, totes, and accessories.  IN doing so, we will no longer have to settle for a small percentage of what the print on demand businesses we have been using allow us to have, putting even more money into the funding available for emergency situations for these heroes and to help save homes from foreclosure.  Time is not on our side.

We need to raise, just for the 501c3 startup and filing fee and domain/site transfer, $275.00 ASAP.  Anything raise over that will go directly to the tshirt press and new printer with receipts posted here.  ON behalf of all of the all of the veterans and veteran families who are counting on KOVH to give them a voice, public presence, and battle buddy in their darkest Homefront hours, thank you for continuing to like, follow and support KOVH.  We are and will be forever grateful for all of the kind words and support. Keep Our Vets Housed is so much more important and vital than I had thought it would be, and we are the very first organization to be focused on slowing the number of veterans and veteran families forced out on the streets.  We need to get this hurdle out of the way so that we can begin building chapter in every state.  Nothing says IGY6 like showing up when these brave men and women and families need you to step up, even if its just helping to share and get the word out.

How can you help and donate? Be sure you are following us on all of the platforms, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, Clapper, and Tiktok, as well as save our linktree with all of our vital info and links right in one easy spot..Its here KOVH linktree  Our KOVH business Cashapp is $KOVHoffcial


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