Updates! Keep Our Vets Housed Petition

The petition now has 142 signatures, but we are so far from the 1000+ signatures necessary to make a serious statement to put in front of our nationwide representatives. They were put into office to represent the people, their best interests and well-being, to represent them. Instead what we have are overpaid, lazy, represenatives whose votes are continuously aligned with their own personal opinions, needs and agendas...who pimp their votes to the highest bidder who can shower them with the most gifts, vacations, luxurious and lavish lifestyle improvements...votes for hire all while our nations true American heroes are losing their homes, losing their lives, and losing their battles with mental health issues. Now more than ever we need to come together as a nation and demand accountability, real solutions and action, for them to do their jobs and to be held accountable for the lack of their doing the very jobs they were put into office to do. If the veteran families currently fighting to keep their homes out of foreclosure are allowed to be ushered by governmental and public approved inaction, our homeless crisis that has already been a financial burden for just about every state, will grow even larger and no amount of shuffling homeless and poor from one state to the next will fix the problem. Enough is enough, its time to get American tough, please considering sharing and signing the online petition, it is absolutely free and will help to start a tidal wave of and in your face demands for action that we have needed for far too long.

Sign and share the petition here:


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